Visit to Silchar & Guwahati to review the Up-Scaling of Aapda Mitra Scheme in Partnership with Govt. of Assam
Shri Nawal Prakash, Joint Advisor, NDMA, & Shri Brajesh Jaiswal, Project Coordinator, NDMA visited Silchar on 7th April, 2022 to interact with the AAPDA MITRA Volunteers of current ongoing batch along with some trained volunteers from previous batches as well at Bosco-Tech, Silchar.
Shri Kishore Dutta, SPO, Training & Capacity Building, ASDMA & State Nodal Officer, upscaling of AAPDA MITRA scheme was also present along with Shri Kishen Chorei, ACS, Assisstant. Commissioner, Cachar, DPO,DDMA, Cachar, Director, Bosco-tech, Silchar & other officers/officials of DDMA were also present.
Welcome Address delivered by Shri Shamim Ahmed Laskar, DPO, DDMA, Cachar followed by speeches from NDMA Officials and interactive session.
The team from NDMA interacted with AAPDA MITRA Volunteers, various stories of the experiences of the volunteers were heard by them, discussed about the importance of such community volunteers and motivated all the volunteers to work forward in the service of the community.
DDMA, Cachar placed forward the various achievements/best practices of AAPDA MITRA Volunteers starting from COVID-19 Dead Body Management; Bhuban Pahar Rescue & evacuation & Crowd Management during Shivratri on 1st March 2022 & their role as Community Level Responders and also in flood & lightening Early Warning Disseminations in the village level.
Awareness program on blood donation and blood group detection camp that was organized with 170 Aapda Mitra volunteers was also highly appreciated by NDMA Officials and team also praised DDMA, Cachar for proactive efforts with regard to Aapda Mitra volunteers management in Cachar District.
Certificate of Appreciation was handed over to the AAPDA MITRA Volunteers by Shri Nawal Prakash, Joint Advisor, NDMA, who have worked with DDMA, Cachar in rescue & evacuation of stranded pilgrims during Shiv-ratri on 1st March 2022. Program ended with vote of thanks from Kishan Chorei, Asst Commissioner, Cachar.

Visited Assam State Disaster Management Authority (ASDMA) on 8th April 2022 and reviewed the Projects/Schemes like Up-scaling and Pilot Aapda Mitra Scheme , SRDR and Implementation of School Safety in Partnership with Govt. of Assam. Meeting was chaired by Shri G D Tripathi, Commissioner and Secretary, Revenue and Disaster Management Department and CEO, ASDMA.
Interacted with trained Aapda Mitra volunteers of Darrang & Nalbari Districts of Assam, Officials from Assam State Disaster Management Authority and other field functionaries at District and State level officials.
It was proposed that a joint workshop between NDMA & ASDMA on Up-scaling of Aapda Mitra Scheme for North Eastern Regions may be organized in month of November, 2022
Promised submission of final Utilization Certificate of Pilot Aapda Mitra Scheme before 30th April, 2022.