

"AAPDA MITRA-AAPKA MITRA" " आपदा मित्र-आपका मित्र "


Visit to Tripura from 7th July to 9th July, 2022 to monitor implementation of “Up-scaling of Aapda Mitra Scheme’.

Govt of Tripura is implementing the “Up-scaling of Aapda Mitra Scheme” in 7 districts to train 800 volunteers in total. So far 178 Aapda Mitra volunteers have been trained in 4 batches of training. Training of volunteers selected from every district has been conducted simultaneously in Central Training Institute, Gokul Nagar, Sepahijala, Tripura.

1st batch of training program was started from 25 April 2022 to 7 May 2022, 2nd batch was from 16 May 2022 to 28 May 2022, 3rd batch was from 6 June 2022 to 18 June 2022 and 4th Batch was from 27 June 2022 to 9 July 2022. 23 Trainers and Master Trainers were imparting training to volunteers along with demonstration of search and rescue equipments and practical session.

Visits and Observations:

Team visited Central Training Institute, Gokulnagar, Sepahijala on 8th July 2022 at 1400 hrs to interact with the volunteers. 4th training batch comprising of 49 volunteers were undergoing training during our visit. Team interacted and addressed the Aapda Mitra volunteers and had a detailed discussion with commandant, CTI, Trainers and Master Trainers of the Training Institute. Team also inspected the institute’s infrastructures, search and rescue equipments being utilized during the training program.

Following are the observations:

  • Volunteers were imparted training on Emergency Communication using Ham Radio (Amateur radio).They were also being trained to operate life detection system for searching victims trapped in Earthquake/collapsed structures rubble. They were also being taught to operate drone camera for search and rescue operation during disaster.
  • All the trainers are master trainers and were delivering lectures in professional manners. They are emphasizing on qualitative training instead of quantitative training. CTI is enrolling only 50 volunteers in each batch.
  • They were conducting training of all 7 districts simultaneously.
  • 23 Trainers and Master Trainers were imparting training to volunteers along with demonstration of search and rescue equipments and practical session.
  • 5 Items of ERK (Life Jacket,Rain Coat, Safety Helmet, Safety Goggles, & Gas lighter) have been procured and rest items will be procured by end of August.
  • All the Aapda Mitra volunteers participating in training program are enthusiastic and motivated.

Team Visited CTI, Gokulnagar on 9th July 2022 at 1200 hrs to participate in the valedictory session of trained volunteers under Up-scaling of Aapda Mitra Scheme. In this event, Additional Secretary, Revenue and Disaster Management, State Project Officer (DM) and Commanadant, CTI and trained Aapda Mitra volunteers were present.


Following are the observations:


  • All the trainers were provided Certificate of Completion.
  • Procurement of ERK is going on and 5 items has been procured and it will be ready by end of August, 2022.
  • Trained volunteers appreciated the 12 days training program mainly training related to Ham Radio, Life Detection Sysytem and CPR.