” Over the last two decades, most community based efforts have been confined to disaster preparedness and contingency planning for the short term.
We need to expand the scope of community based efforts and support communities to identify local risk reduction measures and implement them.
Such efforts reduce risk and create opportunities for local development and sustainable livelihoods. Localization of disaster risk reducation will also ensure that we make the most of traditional best practices and indigenous knowledge.
-Prime Minister

Promoting a culture of volunteerism in the area of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Response by developing a trained volunteer force "Aapda Mitra" across the country to respond the communities in any disaster situation.
Creating a force of 1,00,000 trained “Aapda Mitra” Volunteers
Covering 350 most vulnerable Districts in all States/UT
Life and Medical Insurance for all trained volunteers
Emergency Responder Kit (ERK) containing minimum essential equipment’s to all trained volunteers
Provision for Emergency Essential Resource Reserve (EERR) at District level.

latest training and events on aapda mitra scheme
Visit to Tripura from 7th July to 9th July, 2022 to monitor implementation of “Up-scaling of Aapda Mitra Scheme’. Govt of Tripura …
Visit to Patna to review the Up-Scaling of Aapda Mitra Scheme in Partnership with Govt. of Bihar (30th June, 2022 – 1st …
Ladakh Visit to monitor implementation of the Aapda Mitra Scheme Union Territory of Ladakh is implementing the “Upscaling of Aapda Mitra Scheme” …
Bengaluru tour visit from 19.06.2022 to 21.06.2022 Karnataka SDMA is conducting training program from 20th June 2022 and will complete the training …
State and UT's