

"AAPDA MITRA-AAPKA MITRA" " आपदा मित्र-आपका मित्र "


Ladakh Visit to monitor implementation of the Aapda Mitra Scheme

Union Territory of Ladakh is implementing the “Upscaling of Aapda Mitra Scheme” in two Districts – Kargil and Ladakh.

Each district is training of 100 Volunteers. So far first batch of training of 64 volunteers has been completed in Kargil out of 64 volunteers, 24 were female and 40 were 
male. The training has been done in coordination with 8 Mountain Division, 14 Crops, Leh, Ladakh. 

In Leh District training of first batch has been completed. Total 30
trained during the first batch. Training in Leh is being organized by 14 Ladakh Scouts Regiments.
Training programmes are also being supported by UTDRF, Fire Services and Medical Teams of Indian Army.

Following are the observations:
1. Training programmes are being organized in a very professional manner.
2. All the trainers are qualified and were delivering lectures in a professional manner.
3. Detailed scheduled – day-wise has also been prepared.
4. Women participation as trainees was noteworthy.
5. As informed by the training in-charge, during first batch of training there were 25 girls out of total 30 trainees.
6. All the trainees were very enthusiastic and highly motivated.
7. All the trainees were also provided with Emergency Responder Kits.
8. Quality of Emergency Responder’s Kit was very good consisting of all items as prescribed by NDMA.